"Virtual ALMA Tour in VRChat: A Whole New Experience"
"Outflow - Core Interaction in Barnard 1"
"ASTE Submillimeter Observations of a Young Stellar Object Condensation in Cederblad 110"
"Survey of public attitudes toward astronomy in Japan"
"An Unprecedented Global Communications Campaign for the Event Horizon Telescope First Black Hole Image"
"Extremely Bright Submillimeter Galaxies beyond the Lupus-I Star-forming Region"
"The 2014 ALMA Long Baseline Campaign: An Overview"
"Catalog of Dense Cores in the Orion A Giant Molecular Cloud"
"知の循環モデルと科学コミュニケーション : 天文学普及プロジェクト「天プラ」の挑戦"
"Giant Molecular Clouds and Star Formation in the Tidal Molecular Arm of NGC 4039"
"IRAS 15099-5856: Remarkable Mid-infrared Source with Prominent Crystalline Silicate Emission Embedded in the Supernova Remnant MSH15-52"
"New Panoramic View of 12CO and 1.1 mm Continuum Emission in the Orion A Molecular Cloud. I. Survey Overview and Possible External Triggers of Star Formation"
"Detection of Strong Millimeter Emission from the Circumstellar Dust Disk around V1094 SCO: Cold and Massive Disk around a T Tauri star in a Quiescent Accretion Phase?"
"An extremely large column density cloud G0.11-0.11 in the Galactic Center Region"
"Thermal SiO and H13CO+ Line Observations of the Dense Molecular Cloud G0.11-0.11 in the Galactic Center Region"
SMA Survey of the Low Luminosity YSOs in Perseus
AzTEC on ASTE: 1.1 mm Survey toward Cha-I and Cha-II, and spectral line follow up
AzTEC/ASTE Wide-Field Imaging of Southern Star Forming Regions at lambda = 1.1 mm
ASTE Observations of Chamaeleon Star Forming Region
Outflow - Core Interaction in Chamaeleon Star Forming Region
Public Acceptance of ALMA in Japan
How to make an impressive press release: Case study of ALMA
Communicating ALMA with the Public in Japan
Outflow - Core Interaction in Barnard 1
AzTEC/ASTE Wide-Field Imaging of Southern Star Forming Regions at Lambda = 1.1 mm
ASTE Submillimeter Observations of a YSO Condensation in Cederblad 110
ASTE Submillimeter Observations of a YSO Condensation in Cederblad 110
ASTE Submillimeter Observations of YSO-Close-Packed Region Cederblad 110
Popularization of Astronomy under Cooperation between Students and Educators in Japan: the TENPLA project (1)
The TENPLA Project -Popularization of Astronomy under Cooperation between Students and Museums
SMA Survey of the (Very) Low Luminosity Objects in Perseus
AzTEC on ASTE: Wide Field Imaging of Nearby Star Forming Regions at $\lambda=1.1$ mm. II. Chamaeleon I and II molecular cloud
Barnard 1 領域における原始星アウトフローと分子雲の相互作用
ASTEによるClass0/I原始星 IRAS13036-7644 の観測
ASTEによるカメレオン座領域 CTTS & Herbig Ae星の観測
2002年しし座流星群の分光観測 -カナリア諸島での観測結果- [アブストラクト]
系外地球型惑星の分光観測を模擬した 地球照分光観測
ASTEによるカメレオン座領域 CTTS & Herbig Ae星の観測
H13CO+を用いた銀河中心Radio Arc付近の分子雲の研究
ビデオ流星自動検出システム "MCounter" の開発